Sunday, March 4, 2007

facebook woes...

Ever since Molly signed up for facebook, I’ve said I wasn’t going to do it. I watched her sit at her computer for hours, looking up old classmates, zoning in on our college friends, seeing pictures, hearing about parties, everything facebook has to offer. I watched her and shook my head – I was not going to get sucked into facebook like she was. I was not going to sign up and get addicted. Not for me.

My friends laughed and begged and still, to this day, ask when I am going to join facebook. Believe it or not, there’s even a facebook group to get me to join facebook. Cute, eh. Thanks roomie!

So here’s my dilemma. If I join facebook, I go against everything I have ever said about the network, I become a hypocrite, and I undoubtedly will take a lot of shit from my friends. Yes, you all say you won’t make it a big deal, but I know each and every one of you – you’ll get all up on my wall and say “We knew you’d cave” or “It’s about fucking time” and give me just about as much hell as when I was really dating someone other than one of my boys.

Now, if I continue away from facebook, I fear I will miss out on all the action going on around here. While some of you are good at remembering I am not on facebook and call or email to invite me to events, I know there is a handful of you that, sadly, forget. That – and I guess it would kind of be cool to see what’s going on with everyone – those I went to grade school and high school with and then those of you who I do see on a regular or somewhat regular basis.

So here I am at the corner. What will I do. Will I move over to the dark side or will I stand firm on my belief that facebook is the devil.

I guess we’ll all have to wait and see…


Nick said...

You damn well better believe I'll comment and give you hell! Although I fear you've already succumb to the evil and juvenile nature of Facebook, I must ask you to not leave me alone in the fight.

I still remember the day when I learned of the thing called Facebook. The very nature of the demon allowed it to blossom up from under the belly of the University beast overnight. We were the only ones who seemed able to resist the putrid smell - until now.

It's easy to frame this battle, as it were, in epic and biblical terms (fun too). However, we both know it was a trivial decision that doesn't necessarily make you a turncoat. That being said, I'll never let you hear the end of it - in person, because I don't believe in Facebook.

Katy said...

Don't do it! RESIST!