Tuesday, July 1, 2008


It finally happened. Tonight I went to Happy Hour with the fundraiser committee -- it could have been hit-or-miss, but the wine was fantastic and the drinks were complimentary of the Rabbi and President. However, this is all besides the point.

Tonight, the second of two reasons I joined the fundraiser committee paid off. The first: I could help. Two Sundays ago we held a quite successful fundraiser, for which I used my talents and provided a complete scheme that totally fit. Tonight though, the second happened. And surprisingly, it came from Linda.

We were sitting around the table, drink in hand, and she finally did it. She told me about these two "nice young Jewish men" that were single and asked if I was looking. Now, while I new of the brothers to whom she was referring (the Marvey brothers, believe it or not!!), and knew better than to tap that, it was sweet of her to FINALLY bring out what these ladies had been hiding far too long.

So the cat is out of the bag... or cats. Yes, tonight they tried to set me up with the Marvey boys -- I SAID NO THANK YOU, for the record -- but at least Linda had the heart (or balls) to try me.

Thank you, Linda, for standing up to my second goal on the fundraiser committee. Unfortunately, I'll say No, Thank You, and wait for round two...

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