Sunday, April 8, 2007

If you had to choose to not ever wash your bed sheets again or not wash your bath towel ever again, which would you rather not wash?

If I had to choose to not ever wash my bed sheets again or not wash my bath towel ever again, I would choose never to wash my bath towel again.

Some may say that’s gross, but I beg to differ. Let me offer you both my reasoning for choosing the bath towel and my reasoning for not choosing the bed sheets.

First let us consider the bath towel. When you get into the shower, you’re dirty. You get in to clean yourself (or to wake up or to refresh, but let’s concentrate on the cleaning of oneself). Ergo, when you leave the shower (and are ready to use the bath towel) you are clean. The bath towel really just serves the purpose of drying your wet – and clean – body off from the shower water. You have presumably rid yourself of all the dirt, odors, and bodily fluids, so when using the bath towel you should already be clean. Alas, the towel really isn’t getting dirty, just wet.

Now, the bed sheets. I would rather wash my bed sheets. Why? We sleep on them every night. While we (should) also use our bath towels every day (or night, depending on when you shower), we use bed sheets in a completely different manner. As argued above, we are clean when we use the bath towel. When we hop into bed at night to go to sleep, we may be quite dirty, or may I offer odorous, from the day behind us. Not only that, but think about what happens while you’re in bed. Some may sweat like crazy – maybe it’s too hot in the room. Some may drool – droolers, you know who you are. And for those lucky ones – and I mean lucky – bodily fluids of one sort or another may get on the sheets. Not something you really want to sleep on for the rest of all time. We’ve all done it – slept on fluid-infested sheets for more than just that lucky night – but come on… it’s kind of gross.

Thus, this is why if I had to choose to not ever wash my bed sheets again or not wash my bath towel ever again, I would choose not to wash my bath towel.

(Official MSWord word count: 380)

Your challenge, if you so choose to accept, in at least 300 words, is this: Would you rather fly when you fart or pee when you laugh?


Neuronymous said...

I concur. Technically, you are clean and are drying your body. Therefore, it is safe and sound to use your bath towel for all time. This is coming from Mr. OCD himself. As a side note, a dirty wash/face cloth, on the other hand, is an entirely different story. ;o)

As for sleeping in the same dirty sheets, that is friggin' disgusting!!

Good call!!

Anonymous said...

fantastic. i also would have chosen to wash the sheets. although i agree with your logic, i would offer up one piece of symantics with regards to the towels: they're cheaper to buy. just throw them away when they get mildew-y.

in other news: i accept your challenge.

Abigail said...

I totally agree. Nothing feels better than clean bed sheets. I may have to think about your challenge's an interesting one.