Sunday, March 30, 2008

Early Morning Phone Call = Ticketed.

My phone rang at 6:34 in the AM. I thought maybe it was Tara telling me she and Vanessa were pulling to my parking lot and I needed to get my lazy ass (ok, it was only 6:34) out of bed and let them in, but I was wrong. It was my sister.

"Liz," she says.
"Do you know what time it is?!" I groggily asked back.
"We're going to Israel!!!!" she screamed.

She continued to tell me she checked her email before heading to work this morning and had an email with our trip dates. So I rolled my half-asleep body out of bed to ensure I too had the email.

Friends and lovers, Stephanie and I will be in Israel July 27 through August 7. A belated birthday present for the both of us!

Stay tuned for the details...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
