Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A note on tacos and ground turkey...

Tacos might be one of the easiest dishes to make, and quite possibly one of the fastest. Yesterday my coworker Dan mentioned he made tacos the previous night for dinner, and I won’t lie, I was a little jealous – tacos sounded delicious. So tonight when I got home after the final day of our Dreamweaver class, I whipped together a beautiful taco dinner in a matter of fifteen minutes. I kid you not, from the moment I started cooking to the moment I plopped down on the couch to watch last night’s episode of American Idol, it was literally no more than fifteen minutes. Brown the meat, add the seasoning and water, let simmer, dice tomatoes, chop lettuce, open tortillas and cheese, stir sour cream, assemble. Tacos, mmm!

Now, as most of you should know, I am a partial vegetarian. I do not eat pork products or any shellfish for religious reasons, and I gave up eating red meat about ten and a half years ago because I really just didn't like it. All that being said, there are a lot of beef dishes out there I don't usually get to enjoy, one of which being tacos. Jennie-o has solved said problem with a line of turkey products without which I cannot live. Jennie-o ground turkey may possibly be one of the best turkey ingredients ever made, right next to turkey brats and turkey hotdogs. Ground beef can easily be swapped out for ground turkey. It’s amazing – and actually better for you than ground beef. Try it… you’ll like it!

So tonight I tip my hat to ground turkey tacos. Tomorrow night: ground turkey nachos!

1 comment:

Lifelong Learning in MPLS said...

I had to laugh when I read this, because in my book tacos are hard to make! Chopping the veggies, browning the meat, mixing the seasoning power . . . complicated! I am much more partial to throwing a turkey hot dog in the microwave. I am domestically deficient that way though.

Man, now I really want some tacos. Might have to make it a Chipotle lunch.

Might I recommend Jennie-O turkey kielbasa? It's delicious! I much prefer it to the beef varieties.