Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Grammatically incorrect?

As I watched the news Labor Day morning, I saw this headline (printed as-is) across the bottom of the television.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure this is grammatically incorrect:


Wouldn't that be saying New Year's something? That something belongs to the New Year? Try and prove me wrong, but I am pretty certain the above headline is grammatically incorrect.


Anonymous said...

im going to go out on a grammatical limb and say that "NEW YEAR'S" has the "'S" because it implies the "EVE" that everyone knows is there. also, its a headline, and being a journalism major, in another life, i can tell you headlines just get to the point and move on, letting the story do the explaining.

Lizzo said...

While I see this argument, I will disagree. The news story itself was pertaining to the year ahead... not the night before. When you wish someone a Happy New Year, you wish them a new YEAR, not a new YEARS, and certainly not a new YEAR'S. You celebrate the New Year on New Year's Eve; not the New Year's on New Year's Eve. Ergo, still incorrect.