Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Menorah? Or my worst nightmare?

While I find personally important to fully celebrate holidays, engaging in tradition, and starting new ones, Chanukkah has always been one where I have to overcome a personal fear.

For those of you who know me well, or even well enough, you know of my immense fear of fire. Chanukkah takes me right into this one, as for eight nights I have to light the chanukkiah, each night adding an additional candle, meaning replacing the shammash after lighting said candles is tricky. Now, for the average person who doesn't mind fire, this isn't an issue. For me, it is. For the last eight nights I have twisted my candles in so tightly there is no chance of them falling and have slowing and ever-so-carefully replaced the shammash in the middle of the lighted chanukkiah.

All this being said, when Nickolas sent me a link to this chanukkiah, I had to not only laugh, but shudder as well:
Seriously folks, a chanukkiah in the shape of matches. You've got to be kidding me!


Really though -- this chanukkiah reminds me of the time when my roommates hid matches under my pillow, formed a heart out of matches on my bed, and woke me up in the middle of the night with a lighter lit in my face. I will never forgive you guys for that -- ever!!

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